Monday, February 5, 2018

Joyce From the YMCA - #3

This week we performed Functional Fitness Testing on our AOAs (Active Older Adults.)  This is a series of tests to determine how "fit" we are.  There are 7 tests,  measuring upper and lower body endurance, upper and lower body flexibility, agility, balance and cardio-respiratory strength. 
Our members signed up ahead of time and chose a partner.  We prepared the Activity Center for a breakfast of fruit, juice, coffee and muffins.  And we set up the Dance Studio for the test.
At first they were nervous, thinking they would fail,  mess up,  or look awkward.  There is no grade for this test, but it compares their score with other people their age across the country.  The test will be done again in 6 months to see if they have improved.
We started with a 10 minute warm up to music, then they divided into pairs.  Well let me tell you, the nervousness wore off quickly as strangers became fiends and confidence was boosted as the checked their scores. Our group at the YMCA of Laurel Highlands scored in the above average bracket in most of the tests.
I want to thank my co workers for helping our members to have fun, be positive, and as always, well fed.  I think they are looking forward to retesting in 6 months and breaking all their records.
Save the Date: July 30 - 31!

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