Friday, January 14, 2022

Why Yoga? (Mature Living)


Why Yoga?

Hi, it’s Joyce from the YMCA of Laurel Highlands. 

Last year in the June / July issue of Mature Living magazine I explained to you why yoga is important to me and should be for you too.  I still believe this to be true, that is why I’m going to give you more information. 

I just completed another online yoga workshop.  This time there were 6 participants, and our instructor was from Minnesota where the temperature was -14.  But I digress!  Anyway, it was a Senior Yoga training, so it was perfect for me since I teach Seniors (Active Older Adults.)  To be honest, I really didn’t learn any new poses but what I did learn I want to share with you. 

Yes, yoga is a great way to exercise.  Even more important are the benefits our bodies can expect especially as we get older.  These include:

Reduce our need for medications, especially blood pressure medicine.

Improve our bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Yoga enhances our concentration and determination which will build up our willpower to live a healthier lifestyle.  (Eating better food).

Of course, it helps reduce anxiety and stress. 

We can increase joint mobility and build muscle strength, which will improve our balance.

Yoga will improve lung function, so it’s perfect for people with asthma, COPD and other breathing problems.  Keep in mind, you must start slowly.

And finally, is better brain function.  That’s right, the combination of breathing, movement, and meditation will improve cognition skills like memory and coordination.

I know, right?  Why aren’t we doing this every day?  Imagine if we started next week, how much better we would feel next year.

I teach 3 yoga classes each week at the YMCA.  On Tuesdays at 10:45 I’ll be in the Dance Studio with my Seated Yoga class.  This class is perfect for anyone.  We start in our chairs with breathing exercises then I remind my class that they can remain seated or stand beside their chair as we do strength and balance poses.  We return to our chairs for deeper stretches and meditation.  On Thursdays at 10:45 I have developed a Christian Yoga class.  We use Christian Contemporary music and end our time together with prayer.  This class is more advanced as we hold our poses longer and get up and down from the floor.  Now on Saturday at 8:15, my class has nicknamed this “Crazy Yoga.”  It is more vigorous, and we might even do a flip dog or two.

I challenge you to visit the YMCA and try one of these classes.  If you’re not a member your first class is always free.  I can promise that you will feel better walking out than you did walking in.

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