Monday, January 10, 2022

Something I feel strongly about:

Pro Life, is something I am passionate about.  It started as a cause at St. Joseph's Catholic Church.  Once a year we would gather on Everson Bridge, hold signs and hopefully make people understand that each life is precious.  Then as my girls got older, I wanted them to realize that each baby is a gift.  I would take them on a bus trip to March for Life in Washington D.C. so they could hear the speakers and see that many people believed the same way. I also invited my Girl Scout Troop to see what all the controversy was about  I still believe that each child is a gift, and that life begins at conception.  I got a wakeup call when we found out that Justine was pregnant in December of 2020 and our baby died in her womb in February 2021.  I get sad thinking about all the babies thrown into the garbage because women don't realize how blessed they are to be able to carry their babies and deliver a precious girl or boy to love and cherish.

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