Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Day 4

Write about someone who inspires you.

My mom inspires me.  Catherine Cavanaugh was born the second daughter in a dirt-poor family.  She went to school until 8th grade then found a job so she would be able to help out her family.  She married a young man fresh out of the Navy and started a family soon after.  They didn't have much, but luckily, they had family.  They were able to place their small trailer in dad's family's yard until they could afford the "big white house" on the corner.  

My mom was sick with rhuematic fever and her family helped out with the 4 young ones during that time.  When she was better, she stayed home and made sure we had clean clothes, clean hands, and full bellies.  Catherine is known for her delicious baking.  Her grandkids love her chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies.  

But that is not why she inspires me.  Mom worked for years in the housekeeping department at Frick Hospital.  The ladies there were not always the most agreeable.  Some were downright nasty.  But not my mom.  I'll bet those women didn't want to be around mom.  They probably sneered at her smiling face.

Now mom didn't have it easy at home either.  My dad was a tough task-master.  I remember when he got home from the hospital after his" heart attack," he would go around the house and pick up the smallest speck of dust on the carpet.  And yes, we did have plastic covers on our living room furniture.  He didn't allow us to "carry on."  Dad also wasn't very demonstrative in his affections.  Let's just say, he would let you know if you were doing something wrong but never said a word if you did something well.  (He's mellowed a bit now) Mom handled that as well.  

Mom was always there for not only us but for her friends, neighbors, and family as well.  She was and still is liked by everyone she meets.  She is helpful and kind.  She volunteers at church and with the Senior Citizens too.  The amazing thing is...all her kids have come to know and love Jesus as their Savior and she didn't have to preach it, she just lived it!  Yes, my mom is my biggest inspiration.  I hope someday, I will inspire someone too.

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