Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Grandma Cavanaugh's Sugar Cookies

3 c. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1 c. Crisco (1/2 c. Crisco and 1/2 c. softened butter)
2 eggs
1 c. sugar
1/2 t. almond extract
1/2 t. vanilla extract

in a large
mixing bowl put flour, baking powder and baking soda.  Using a pastry cutter, mix as you would a pie crust.  Beat the eggs with sugar and flavorings.  Stir egg mixture into flour mixture with wooden spoon.  When combined, roll out on floured board and cut into shapes.  Place on ungreased cookie sheet, decorate with colored sugars and jimmies. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 - 10 minutes. 

These can also be frosted and enjoyed for any holiday.

Swedish Rolls
This recipe comes from my Aunt Jeanette.  She made them for my wedding back in 1980.  I wish I would have known her better.  I do know that she was a nurse, a good baker and a very good knitter.  She married my Uncle Bob and they lived all over the world.  He was in the Army and then the Air Force.  I remember that they always had a dog for a pet.  We went to visit them in Wisconsin and South Dakota.  After Aunt Jeanette died, Uncle Bob came back to Scottdale to live in Woodcrest Personal Care Home.  Julianne and I used to visit him and his dog, Lucy.  Lucy loved ice cream. 
 So did Uncle Bob.

Now back to the Swedish Rolls.
1/2 c. sugar
1 c. shortening
2 eggs
4 c. flour
1 pkg. yeast
1 c. warm water
1 t.sugar
Dissolve yeast in warm milk (90 seconds in my microwave) with 1 t. sugar .  Mix the sugar, shortening, and eggs.  Add flour alternately with the milk.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.  Divide dough into 4 parts.  Roll out in a circle.  Spread with butter (real butter.)  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.  Cut into 16 wedges.  Roll up from outside edge, like a crescent roll.  Bake at 375 for 8 - 9 minutes.  Frost with maple icing.
Mix butter, powdered sugar, maple syrup, and milk until smooth.  Spread over cooled rolls and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.  Julianne's tongue gets itchy when she eats walnuts so I don't put walnuts on some for her.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Grandma P's Ladylocks

Grandma P’s Ladylocks

2 c. Crisco, in a bowl

5 c. flour
1 stick oleo (margarine)
1 T. Crisco from the bowl
            Cut flour, oleo, and 1 T. Crisco with pastry cutter

            Add 3 egg yolks, save whites for brushing on top of rolls
            2 T. vinegar
1 ½ c. water
2 T. water

After dough is mixed good, roll out on floured board.  Spread with ¼ of the Crisco in the bowl. Fold over until small then put in the frig for 1 hour.  Do this 3 more times and the last time cut into 4 balls and put in frig overnight or until ready to use. 
Take out 1 ball and roll on floured board until thin.  Cut into small strips and roll around clothes pins covered with foil.  Brush with beaten egg whites and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes until golden brown.
Carefully pull out clothes pins while still warm.  Let cool then fill with Never Fail Icing.

Never Fail Icing

1 c. Crisco
2 sticks oleo (margarine)
4 c. powdered sugar
8 T. flour
1 c. milk
2 t. vanilla
Put everything in a mixer on high.  The longer you beat it the whiter it gets.
You need 2 batches for the ladylocks and 1 batch for peaches.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Marriage and Divorce Part Two - Week 6 (Full Service)

God's Presence

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.  

God's Presence is like the heater in my house; when it gets cold I hear the click and I feel the warm air coming up through the register, but I don't see it.  And God's Presence can be compared to the air conditioner;  again I hear the click as the HVAC unit turns on, I feel the cool air circulating in my home, but I don't see anything. 
Now God's Presence doesn't click on and off, It doesn't come and go.  God's Presence is always with me, but sometimes I am more aware of It than others.
In times of trouble I seek His calming Presence.  I might read His word or listen to Christian music which soothes my soul.  In times of joy, I can feel Him with me and I might even talk to Him out loud and thank Him for his blessings.  I also have times of doubt, when I wonder if I am doing His will. At those times I will be still and feel His arms around me holding me and giving me strength.
We don't have to see God to know God.
When we read the Bible...He is talking to us.
We see Him in the beauty of the world; the sunrise, sunsets, ocean waves, bird song, colors of the seasons and majestic landscapes He has prepared for us.
He communicates to us through other people, friends, family, pastors at our church, even things we see and hear on the internet.
The key to feeling God's Presence and knowing He is with us is to just be still. We need to quiet our minds and tune in to what He has to say.  Make time each day to spend with Him.  He will not disappoint, He is always there waiting.

Psalm 89:15 - 16
How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
         O LORD, they walk in the light of Your countenance.

16In Your name they rejoice all the day,
         And by Your righteousness they are exalted.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Honest Jealousy

It’s so disheartening when the people who should be cheering for  you the loudest, remain silent. 
These are days where we need all the strength and courage we can get to run our race and finish our course. We have no time to waste or emotional bandwidth to spare, trying to convince those who should be for us to act as if they are. 
Don’t try and carry those who want to pull you down. 
Don’t waste time trying to convince others of your worth and value. 
Don’t expend valuable energy minimizing you so that others feel more comfortable around you. 
A smaller you does not make a bigger them. 
Don’t try to hang on to those who have let go of you. 
Don’t be controlled by those who won’t allow you to thrive and flourish. 
Make sure those closes to you are for you, talk to you not about you, are not jealous of you, not threatened by you, not intimidated by you, not wanting to leverage you, and don’t want to be you. You need them to be them and to bring out the best in you. 
Those closest to you are the ones that truly have the capacity to hurt or heal. Choose your circle wisely. (Thanks for posting this  image/wisdom @fwhatle)
As I read this quote from Christine Caine I think about my circle, my tribe, my posse, my clan.  Do we applaud when good things happen?  Do we brag about our friends accomplishments?  Are we encouraging, uplifting, positive?  I think not.  At least not all the time. There is envy and jealousy among the people in my circle.  I'm sad to say I am at fault.  I wish I was not this way.  I have prayed to my Father in Heaven to help me with this.  I love my peeps but yes I am jealous:  jealous of Karen' grandkids, jealous that Linda doesn't have to work, jealous of the skinny young girls at the YMCA, jealous of the people of TV that have homes at the beach.  But there is one thing that I am proud of...I am honest with my jealousy.  Karen knows that I wish I had grandkids, she is praying for me.  Linda is ok with my envy that she is retired, knowing that soon I can retire as well.  I don't think the skinny girls care about my extra pounds and the lucky folks at the beach are clueless.  They get up in the morning with no thought of what other people think about them, least of all me.  I'm not going to get a new circle, but I will try to be more good,  kind, and gentle with my group of friends.  I will keep praying for more compassion and less envy.  I know that I am not perfect, but I can try to be a little better each day.                          Galatians 5:22 - 23  The fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Acts 4:32 - 35
 32And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. 33And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. 34For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales 35and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need.

Can you guess what is the greatest risk factor for your health?  You might think diet, exercise, family genetics, but believe it or not it is loneliness.  I know, I didn't buy it at first either.  But I watched a video on YouTube by Dr. Lissa Rankin and now I am convinced that it is true. 

A study was done on a community in Pennsylvania named Rosetto in 1961.  It was small town made up of mostly Italian immigrants.  Most of them were related and lived in multi-generational homes.  This town had no history heart attacks, suicides, alcoholism, strokes, and no history of ulcers.  Now you could argue that they ate a healthy Mediterranean diet.  Not so, their diet was 41%fat and they were obese, Now here is the key...they were never lonely.  They always had someone nearby to help with any problem, to share the good news and the bad news, and to hold and touch when they felt alone.  

Lets move forward 10 years.  The kids are growing up, moving away and leaving their familiar surroundings.  The first heart attack was recorded and by the end of the decade their health conditions were considered normal according to the statistics of the United States Health Department.

According to studies today 6% of us will die from air pollution (cigarettes, COPD, asthma), 23% will die from obesity and conditions that come with being overweight, 37% will have alcohol related deaths and 45% will die from loneliness.  1 in 5 Americans suffers from loneliness. 

So what is the cure? Alot of times we expect someone else to fix us, but in this case we need to fix ourselves.  We need to like ourselves, we also need to not be so hard on ourselves.  We will never be perfect and we all have stuff!  Things we are not proud of, things we have experienced, good and bad they are part of us. Each one of us have our own trauma.  

We can't isolate ourselves, we need to get out there and take risks, be brave, find love.  We all are part of this world and we all belong to each other.   

Have you ever heard of Blue Zones?  These are places all around the world where people live healthy and happily for over 100 years.  Most of these places are inhabited by people who love and take care of each other, like a Tribe.  They have relationships and rituals which bring them together. 

Imagine you are part of a Native American Tribe or a Scottish Clan.  Every day you eat together, work together, play together and worship together. You are there for each other.
I challenge you to find your Tribe.  Who will be there for you?  Who can you support, uphold, and be there for?  It can be your family, friends, or coworkers.  You can have more than 1 Tribe.  Just be sure that when you are part of a Tribe you are all in.

 A person with cancer is 4 times more likely to die when they face this journey alone.

If you don't have a Clan or a Tribe come see me at the YMCA of Laurel Highlands.  We have lots of friendly people and fun activities to join in with.  Make some connections and live loved.

2 Corinthians 13:11
Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Getting to know Jesus

James 4:8
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

Imagine you are sitting in a room full of people and Jesus walks in.  What would you do? 
The man sitting across from you looks up, sees Jesus and goes back to reading his newspaper.  He knows who it is but is not ready to get involved with Him.
The girl on her Iphone doesn't even look up.  She is not interested in anything but the latest post on social media.
The door opens and a young man looks in, sees Jesus, and turns around and walks back out the door.  He's not going to change his lifestyle and he knows Jesus might want him to. 
The 2 kids playing with their action figures don't even know who Jesus is.  Their grandma looks away with feelings for remorse and guilt.
Now me, I would jump up, offer Him my seat, and sit down as close to Him as I could.  I would sit on His lap if He let me.  Imagine hearing His breath, feeling His heartbeat as He wrapped His arms around me.  
The words from the song "I can only Imagine"  come to my mind as I write this post. 
 What would you do?

Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  I know the day will come when I will be standing in front of You.  When my days here on earth are done and You call me home to Heaven to be with You forever.  I pray that I accomplished all You prepared in advance for me to do in such a way that Your name will be lifted high and glorified.  Lead me on this journey and I will follow.

MercyMe - I Can Only Imagine (Video)

Saturday, September 15, 2018

60th Birthday in Colorado

My adventure started with a call from Justine asking what would I like to do for my 60th birthday.  I said daddy already took me to see Brit Floyd in Columbus.  She said she wanted to do something special with me.  So that wonderful, generous, loving girl bought me a ticket to visit her in Colorado.  Bill drove me to the airport.  I checked in with plenty of time to spare so I took a walk around.  There was Bar Symon, Michael Symon's restaurant right there in front of me!  Well of course I went in.  I ordered the Poutine which was delicious.  Not a bad way to wait for my flight.  
Frontier Airlines is a "barebones airline" like Spirit.  You pay extra for everything.  That's OK, I had downloaded a movie to watch and had a bottle of water to drink.  I was good to go.
Justine picked me up at the airport.  It was so nice to see her smiling face.  We went to her little home, talked for a couple of hours, woke up Meatball and Anthony then went to sleep, anticipating a great day for adventure tomorrow.
Anthony had to work so it was just us girls.  We had breakfast at the Butcher Block Cafe, "just down the street."  It was actually down a few streets, through a couple of lights and around the corner!
After a delicious omelet and hash browns I was ready to be on our way.  We drove for about 1 1/2 hours to get to the parking lot for St. Mary's Glacier.  It was definitely worth the drive.  The views were fantastic.  The hike was a bit arduous.  I had to stop for "breath brakes" since I wasn't used to the altitude.  Once we made it up the rocks, there was St. Mary's Lake.  (We don't know if that was it's true name but it sounded good to us.)  The water was so clear and cold.  We walk farther up the trail to view the glacier.  There wasn't too much of it there but it was still amazing to see snow and ice in September. 

After our hike we were hungry so we stopped in the cute town of Golden, yes that is where the Coors Brewery is. We did a little souvenir shopping then found Bob's Atomic Burgers.  These burgers were as big as a small plate.  I think Guy Fieri on "Diners, Drivins, and Dives" visited there.  We didn't want to eat too much because we knew Anthony was cooking an Italian Feast for us that evening so we split a burger and order of fries.  Oh my my it was delicious!

After a stop at the biggest liquor store I have ever seen in my life, we went home.  We girls cleaned up while Anthony was busy in the kitchen.  First the appetizer of heirloom tomatoes in olive oil with fresh mozzarella and basil with crusty bread.  Then onto the gnocchi, Cesar salad, and Chicken Parmesan.  All washed done with a refreshing whiskey drink.  It was delectable.  

We made plans to meet with Amy and Charlie at The Denver Bazaar.  It is a flea market held at night.  We tried some cider the went to Finn's Manor for a Blueberry Punch,  I didn't taste any blueberries!  I learned all about Ubers while I was there.  Just use the app on your phone and they pick you up and take you where you want to go.   So convenient, especially when you have had too much to drink!
On to the next day...Anthony went "down the street" to get us ham and cheeses croissants for breakfast.  Teen drove the Jeep while Anthony took a long nap as we drove 2 hours up to Steamboat Springs.  We listened to music, looked for yellow aspen trees, and enjoyed the drive. Our first stop was Fish Creek Falls.  We took the upper hike and then decided to take the lower hike as well.  It was worth it to see the beautiful views from the top and bottom of the falls.

After a look around the Farmer's Market in Steamboat Springs and a mostly healthy lunch we drove a little further to Strawberry Park Hot Springs.  I was a little concerned since I had never been to a hot spring and didn't know what to expect.  But once again, Teen delivered on another memorable experience.  Yes, the water was hot!  But they also must have added cool water to the other poos to make them perfect and relaxing.  It was definitely worth the drive to get there.
My last evening with the kids, we wanted to go somewhere special..  Teen suggested Linger.  It was a Tapas restaurant specializing in food from around the world. The food comes in servings of 3 so we could share what we ordered.  I tried pork belly, korean bar b que, lettuce wraps, and wagu beef .  It was one of the best meals I ever ate in my life.  Seriously! 
We stood in line for ice cream at Little Man Ice Cream which we had visited before and loved.  Then took an uber back home.  We had a drink and talked for a while before going to bed.  What a great day!
My last day ended with Church at Flatirons.  I sure wish they had a church in western PA.  The music was amazing and the message left me feeling uplifted and confidant that God is with us through anything and every thing.  Thanks Jim.

Flatirons Community Church - Imagine Dragons, Khalid - Thunder / Young D...

We shared an order of nachos at the airport and said goodbye knowing that we would see each other again in 10 days.
Thank you Justine for a wonderful mini vacation and birthday present.  You know me so well!

Father God,
I asked this day that Justine and Anthony will feel Your presence and know that they are never alone.  You are with them every moment of their days.  Protect them as the travel home and then to CA.  Lead Anthony to a new job with good co workers and help Justine to find time to study and get her Master's degree so she will continue to make this world a better place.  I thank You for all the blessings You have given to them and I ask that You guide them to heaven where we will all live with You for all of eternity.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Moving Forward

Cheesecake Anyone Tea Party

I have been starting to feel like the time is right to launch Cheesecake Anyone Tea Party.  This would be a portable business where I would prepare cheesecakes, scones, soups and sandwiches and take them to events.  I would grow by planning Tea Parties and taking them into peoples homes, businesses or event spaces.  
I ordered tea cups, serving dishes, napkins, etc...for the fall season of craft and vendor shows.  In my mind I was planning ahead, going to Ligonier Country Market, Mt. Pleasant Fireman's Vendor Show, and even buying an old Victorian house on Church Street.  
Guess what?  My hands are swollen and painful with eczema right now.  
The first time I tried to start up this business I found out I had eczema.  I had to put my dream on hold because who wants to buy a cheesecake from someone with eczema all over their hands.  I realized the God's plan for me didn't include Cheesecake Anyone? 

Psalm 84:12
LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.

Next, my brother needed help and I thought I could raise some money for him by baking cheesecakes.  I made some and sold them but again my hands broke out with eczema.  I attended a church service at the New Life Church in Washington.  The speaker was Will Hart.  I asked for my hands to be healed.  God told me that night, "You know how to heal your hands." After that I sold my cheesecake pans and concentrated on eating right and staying gluten free.
Fast forward to today.  Why does this dream of a cheesecake business keep surfacing?  Why does every one around keep asking me if I still make cheesecakes?  Why do I see all these great deals on supplies I would need for my business?  Is it satan trying to tempt me?

1 Peter 1:14
As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance.

I don't want to go against God's purpose for me.  I want to do His will.  I want to follow where He leads me.  But really do like to make cheesecakes and would love to own a business. Not only for myself but for my family as well. 
So, I will pray and wait.  I will make cheesecakes for friends who ask, but I will not move forward without God's permission.  To do so would be foolish.
Proverbs 20:24
A person’s steps are directed by the Lord.
How then can anyone understand their own way?

Father in Heaven.
I give this to You.  Thy will be done!

Friday, August 24, 2018


This beautiful girl is downstairs packing to go back to college tomorrow.  This summer went by so fast I feel like I didn't get any quality time with her.  She took some online classes this summer to try to improve her GPA.  She worked alot at the YMCA not only in Day Camp but also Child Watch.  And she drove up to Warren to see her boyfriends a couple of times.  We did manage to have a quick visit to Colorado to visit Teen and a wonderful time at Grandma's Birthday Tea Party.
Time goes by so fast.  I hope she realizes just how much she is loved and how much I will miss her.  Yesterday she was a little girl promising me she would never grow up.  I know that is wasn't going to happen, but it didn't have to go so fast.
Father God, I pray that Julianne will have a great year at Edinboro this year.  I ask you to lead her to good friends that will help her to grow in compassion,  joy, and organization.  I pray she will have interesting teachers that will guide her as she studies to become one of them.  Help her to make time for what is important and to be patient with herself and her friends.  Give her Your peace in times of trouble.  Keep her mind clear to learn what she needs to learn.  Open doors that need to open and close doors that lead her away from Your plan for her.  I pray for an army of angels to surround her everyday.  Keep her safe as she travels back and forth.  I know that You love her even more than I do because You made her and she is "Fearfully and wonderfully made."
All this I ask in Jesus name,

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Matthew 6:19-20 New International Version (NIV)

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

I have been going through boxes and bins of old papers, cards, and art work of my daughters.  I enjoy looking at all their stuff but I know I can't keep everything. (Just to clarify, they told me to throw it all away.) I came across an assignment of Jessica's which asked her, what is her "Treasure?"  It also asked what was her Dad's, Mom's, Sister's, and dog's treasure. She wrote that my "Treasure" was my rings because the are precious to me.  

It's true, my wedding and engagement rings are precious to me.  They symbolize the unending love Bill and I have for each other.  They represent the commitment to love and honor each other through better and worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health until death do us part.
Today as I look around my home I see pictures on the walls and in frames of my family.  I see photos of places I have been and things I done through the years since Bill put those rings on my finger. These are now my "Treasures" especially since my memory is not as sharp as it was.  

I look at the images of Bill and I as young parents, my daughters as little girls, my mom and dad, sisters and brother, nieces, and nephews  and think of all that we have done together.  I see pictures of the Rockie Mountains, the Grand Canyon, New York City, and of course the beach.  Memories come flooding into my mind as I recall those vacations and adventures to those far away places.

Yes, these are the things that are important to me.  No one can steal these from me. Nothing can take them away.
But even as I recall my loved ones and the journeys I have taken, I must remember the One who blessed me with this life. The creator of the family I have.  The Potter who formed me from clay, who knit me together in my mother's womb. The Maker of the Earth and all that is in it.  

Psalm 8

1 Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
    in the heavens.
Through the praise of children and infants
    you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
    to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?[c]
You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels[e]
    and crowned them[f] with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their[g] feet:
all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.

Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Lord God,
Thank you for everything, I mean EVERYTHING!  You made it all, and then You gave it all to us.  Wow!  I'm amazed by Your goodness, Your kindness, Your love and wisdom.  Help me to live each day You give me for You.  Show me how to love others as You love me.  Help me to see others as You see them.  Keep me always thankful for every blessing I have, knowing that it comes from YOU.
In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen.