Monday, September 3, 2018

Moving Forward

Cheesecake Anyone Tea Party

I have been starting to feel like the time is right to launch Cheesecake Anyone Tea Party.  This would be a portable business where I would prepare cheesecakes, scones, soups and sandwiches and take them to events.  I would grow by planning Tea Parties and taking them into peoples homes, businesses or event spaces.  
I ordered tea cups, serving dishes, napkins, etc...for the fall season of craft and vendor shows.  In my mind I was planning ahead, going to Ligonier Country Market, Mt. Pleasant Fireman's Vendor Show, and even buying an old Victorian house on Church Street.  
Guess what?  My hands are swollen and painful with eczema right now.  
The first time I tried to start up this business I found out I had eczema.  I had to put my dream on hold because who wants to buy a cheesecake from someone with eczema all over their hands.  I realized the God's plan for me didn't include Cheesecake Anyone? 

Psalm 84:12
LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.

Next, my brother needed help and I thought I could raise some money for him by baking cheesecakes.  I made some and sold them but again my hands broke out with eczema.  I attended a church service at the New Life Church in Washington.  The speaker was Will Hart.  I asked for my hands to be healed.  God told me that night, "You know how to heal your hands." After that I sold my cheesecake pans and concentrated on eating right and staying gluten free.
Fast forward to today.  Why does this dream of a cheesecake business keep surfacing?  Why does every one around keep asking me if I still make cheesecakes?  Why do I see all these great deals on supplies I would need for my business?  Is it satan trying to tempt me?

1 Peter 1:14
As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance.

I don't want to go against God's purpose for me.  I want to do His will.  I want to follow where He leads me.  But really do like to make cheesecakes and would love to own a business. Not only for myself but for my family as well. 
So, I will pray and wait.  I will make cheesecakes for friends who ask, but I will not move forward without God's permission.  To do so would be foolish.
Proverbs 20:24
A person’s steps are directed by the Lord.
How then can anyone understand their own way?

Father in Heaven.
I give this to You.  Thy will be done!

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