Friday, May 6, 2016

Which Disney Princess are you?

All through History people have be obsessed with Royalty.

Even in biblical times the people wanted a King.  Samuel anointed Saul as their first King and later David as his successor.  Some kings were good, some not so good.

We also have queens in the bible:

The Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon and test his wisdom.

Queen Esther of Persia whose courage and quick thinking saved the Jewish people from disaster.

Queen Jezebel, wife of King Ahab, corrupted her husband and the nation by promoting pagan worship.

Today we watch the television and internet for news of the Royal Family:

Who was glued to the TV when Prince Charles married Diana?

          Who mourned when Diana was killed in a car crash?

Who watched Prince William and Kate’s wedding and celebrated the birth of their children?

Who still wonders what will become of poor Harry?

And of course, the Queen just turned 90!

But tonight let’s think about the Disney Princesses of our childhood.

Snow White

Snow White was the first in 1938.  She was a beautiful girl who had to hide from the wicked queen because she was jealous of her.

But she wasn’t just beautiful on the outside, she was kind and fair and good.

Her Fairness wasn’t just in her looks.  She was fair with the dwarfs too:

        She coaxed Grumpy out of his bad moods.

She was patient with Dopey when he didn’t understand.

She didn’t play favorites and made time for all her new friends.

She knew “someday her prince would come.”  Just as we know someday our prince will come too, the Prince of Peace.  He will take us to live with him forever in heaven.

John 14:2

My Father’s house has many rooms: if it were not so would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


What about Cinderella?  That movie came out in 1950.  To me Cinderella is a true princess.  She was a beloved daughter who through no fault of her own became a servant to her mean step mother and 2 evil step sisters.  Just as Cinderella overcame her circumstances, we can overcome our troubles with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Cinderella was blessed by doing the right thing we too will also be blessed when we do the right thing.

John 16:33

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.

Sleeping Beauty

Then there was Sleeping Beauty, known as Princess Aurora.  She had to be hidden for 16 years by the 3 good fairies from the evil Queen Maleficent.  But the plan fails and she pricks her finger on the spindle and falls into a deep sleep and can only be awakened by true love’s kiss.  Now her true love has been captured by the evil queen and must use his sword to escape and fight the dragon to save the princess.

So as the prince used his sword to fight evil, we have to put on the full armor of God:

        The belt of truth

        The breastplate of righteousness

The shoes of peace

        The shield of faith

The helmet of salvation and

The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.


I actually had some trouble with Ariel.  She was spoiled, disobedient, and selfish.

She needed to be taught a lesson in humility before she could be the princess she was meant to be.

Proverbs 11:2

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.


Belle from Beauty and the Beast didn’t start out as a princess.  She was just an ordinary girl.  Actually people thought she was odd.  She was quiet and devoted to her father.  When he was put in the dungeon of the beast, she sacrificed her life for his.  Even though the beast was horrible and nasty to Belle in the beginning, she saw something in him that nobody else could see.  She looked on the inside and not on his outward appearance.  Aren’t you glad our Father in heaven knows what we are like on the inside and doesn’t judge us by what we do.  And just as Belle forgave the Beast and loved him so God forgives us and loves us too.

Luke 6:37

Do not judge and you will not be judged.  Do not condemn and you will not be condemned.  Forgive and you will be forgiven.


Today’s girls have Elsa and Anna from the movie Frozen.  Elsa had the magical ability to manipulate snow and ice.  At first she tries to hide her powers or talents, but with the help of her sister she learns to Let it Go and find happiness in the love of friends and family.  Do we hide our powers, talents from everyone?  Do we worry about what they might think of us?  Would they tease us or make fun of us if they knew?  We all have God-Given powers / talents.  We should not be afraid or ashamed to use them, especially to bring honor to God.

John 1:16

From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.


And last but not least is my new favorite princess, Merrida.  She is the adventuress, independent, daughter of a Scottish king and Queen.  She rides a horse, shoots a bow and arrow and does not want to be controlled.  She rebels against her mother, insisting that her mother doesn’t listen to her.  She asks for her mother to be changed.  Well her mother changes…into a bear.  The movie ends happily with her relationship with her mother being restored and they both have more respect for each other because of the trials and terrors they went through together.  Merrida now understands what responsibilities go into being a princess and her mother has learned to be patient and to trust in her daughter.  We also need to learn patience and trust in our lives. 

Psalm 13:1

Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage.

Wait for the Lord!

So which Princess do you think you are?

Are you Fair like Snow White?

Are you an Overcomer like Cinderella?

Or Gentle like Sleeping Beauty?

Can you be Humble like Ariel?

Do you Judge by looking at the outside of a person or do you look deeper like Belle?

Do you use your God-given Talents or do you hide them like Elsa?

Are you Brave like Merrida and will you listen to what God is saying to you?

We are all Princesses!

We are all Children God!

Daughters of the King of heaven and Earth!

We are loved with a true and lasting love and our “Happily Ever After” will be when we are together with our brothers and sisters forever in heaven.

John 14:3

I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you may also be where I am.

Thank you.

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