Monday, May 3, 2021

People are people

People are People

There will always be morning people, “Rise and shine, get ready to greet the day with a smile.”    There will always be non-morning people, “Leave me alone until I have my cup of coffee, or 3 or 4.”  You will meet friendly folks with a smile and a “how ya doin?”  But you will also run into those who look away when you smile at them. 

People are people no matter where they graduated from high school, or if they have a GED.

People are people no matter where they attend church, or if they don’t.

People are people no matter their age, race, sex, or history.  It doesn’t matter if you have blue eyes and blond hair, curly hair and long legs, drive a Chevy or a Ford, like Ranch dressing or not, you are still a “people.” 

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.  That is what makes us human.  Dogs have 39 pairs, dolphins have 22 pairs, and a hedgehog has 44 pairs.  Humans all have 206 bones in their body.  Now this is where it gets fun!  Some people’s bones are thicker or longer.  Some people’s bones are covered with more muscle tissue than others.  But all those bones need blood to do their thing.  And guess what, all people have blood going to those bones to keep them moving.  And that blood is red in every one of us.

So now you ask, “Joyce what are you trying to say?”  If you could see people without their skin on you wouldn’t know if they were white, black, or Asian.  You wouldn’t know if they worked at Arby’s or Apple.  You couldn’t see if they were wealthy or homeless.  We need to look deeper than our skin. 

Yes, some people will have different thoughts, values, and ethics than you, but they are still people.  We are all part of the human race and we all need each other.  As the Bible says in Romans 12:5, In the same way, we are many but in Christ we are all one body.  Each is a part of that body and each part belongs to all the other parts. 

Next time you see someone “different” than you, remember we all have 206 bones under the skin that shows. All our blood flows red through our veins.   We are all in this world together.  It’s time to stop comparing and competing.  The only way to win is together!

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