Saturday, February 20, 2021


Share the Wealth

As I was browsing Facebook the other morning as I usually do while I wait for my teapot to whistle, I saw a post saying,  “ Who knew that the hardest part of being an adult is figuring out what to cook for dinner every single night for the rest of your life until you die!”  Now I realize this is meant as a joke, but what if you were reading this and all you had in your cupboard was a can of peas and a bottle of hot sauce.  I don’t you would find it too funny.

I am blessed and I hope you are too.  My shelves are full of food including 5 bottles of hot sauce.  I also have 4 bottles in the refrigerator already opened.  (Yes, we like our hot sauce in this house.)  I start to panic if I have less than 2 dozen of eggs.  My flour, sugar, and tea canisters are full and ready to use on my countertop.  And I’m even not going to tell you about our snack shelf.

Are you blessed too?

 I know that last year we had a big scare and felt it necessary to stock up on toilet paper, Lysol, and hand sanitizer.  Last time I was at the store the shelves were loaded with all the necessities.  I think we have turned the corner and it’s time to share the wealth.  Let’s look in our cupboards and figure out what do we really need.  And I’m not talking about the expired box of Hamburger Helper.  I mean the good stuff! 

According to Elizabeth Neilson, Sr. Vice President of Feeding America, one in six Americans are not getting enough to eat right now.  Between job losses, school closures, and rising winter heating costs, the lines at the Food Banks show that we are in a crisis.  When a single mother has to choose between feeding her 2 young daughters or paying her electric bill, we have a problem! 

So what can we do????  In Scottdale there is a blessing box at the Library, along with the monthly pick up from the Westmoreland County Food Bank.  Mt. Pleasant also has the Food Bank along with the Good Samaritan Center.  There is a drop off box in the front entrance at the YMCA of Laurel Highlands. I’m sure there are many other places as well.   Some suggestions for donated food include peanut butter, pasta, and sauce.  Of course cans of soup, tuna, chicken, vegetables, and fruit are always appreciated.  When Shop N Save has a buy 1 get 1 sale, buy  and donate the other.

Matthew 25:35 says, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”  If you are among the lucky ones with food in your frig, a closet full of clothes, and money in your wallet, go.  Share the wealth. 

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