Saturday, December 26, 2020

 Printed in Mature Living 12/2020

The Accidental Athlete

Hi, it’s Joyce from the YMCA! 

I think a lot of people will be surprised to know that I am not who you think I am or who I thought I would be. 

Most people see me as that woman from the YMCA, strong, athletic, and healthy.  I have seen people hide from me at the grocery store because they have snacks and goodies in their cart.  I have friends that apologize when they talk to me because they haven’t exercised for a while.  I’ve even met folks who think I am a health nut!  Let me set you straight.

As a young girl I loved to read, play Barbies, dance, and draw.  My dreams were not to be a fast runner, high jumper, or even a ballerina.  My goal was to get married to my Prince Charming, have babies, and live happily ever after.  Most of that has happened...but not in the way I thought.  I have had to change my attitude and my habits. 

Prince Charming turned out to be an athlete; football, baseball, basketball, and yes even golf.  He loved to run, jump, but not dance!  So what is a good wife to do?  Yes, I started to run, attend aerobics classes, and lift weights.  Ugggg, I had to sweat and have sore muscles.  I became an “accidental athlete”.  The Prince and I signed up to run local 5K races like The Turkey Trot, the Woodruff, and the Scottdale YMCA.  I worked hard to get strong.  I learned how to teach those aerobics classes.  I even ran on the boardwalk while on vacation!  And do you know what happened, I began to love it.  Then my knees had other ideas, but that is a story for another day.

Now why am I telling you the story of my life?  Maybe you are like me, not exactly where you thought you would be.  Maybe you are an “accidental gardener” because your wife likes to make salsa.  Or an “accidental camper” because your husband likes to hike and fish.  How about an “Accidental Mr. Fix-it”  since you can’t afford to pay a plumber or carpenter every time something breaks.  What I’m getting at is that we all make choices in our lives to accommodate the ones we love. 

We were put on this earth to love and support each other.  As it says in the book of Mark, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and so the two shall become one flesh.”  I chose to develop new habits, trying new activities, making a life of friendship, love, and togetherness.

I see couples at the YMCA of Laurel Highlands everyday playing Pickleball, working out in the Fitness Center, or taking Group Exercise classes together and I have to wonder.  Is this how they planned their lives?  Or have they made sacrifices so that they could be together.  I know my prince has sacrificed many things for me so the least I can do is spend time doing what he likes to do with him.  Now if only I could teach that man how to dance!

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