Friday, November 30, 2018

Grandma P's Ladylocks

Grandma P’s Ladylocks

2 c. Crisco, in a bowl

5 c. flour
1 stick oleo (margarine)
1 T. Crisco from the bowl
            Cut flour, oleo, and 1 T. Crisco with pastry cutter

            Add 3 egg yolks, save whites for brushing on top of rolls
            2 T. vinegar
1 ½ c. water
2 T. water

After dough is mixed good, roll out on floured board.  Spread with ¼ of the Crisco in the bowl. Fold over until small then put in the frig for 1 hour.  Do this 3 more times and the last time cut into 4 balls and put in frig overnight or until ready to use. 
Take out 1 ball and roll on floured board until thin.  Cut into small strips and roll around clothes pins covered with foil.  Brush with beaten egg whites and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes until golden brown.
Carefully pull out clothes pins while still warm.  Let cool then fill with Never Fail Icing.

Never Fail Icing

1 c. Crisco
2 sticks oleo (margarine)
4 c. powdered sugar
8 T. flour
1 c. milk
2 t. vanilla
Put everything in a mixer on high.  The longer you beat it the whiter it gets.
You need 2 batches for the ladylocks and 1 batch for peaches.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Marriage and Divorce Part Two - Week 6 (Full Service)

God's Presence

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.  

God's Presence is like the heater in my house; when it gets cold I hear the click and I feel the warm air coming up through the register, but I don't see it.  And God's Presence can be compared to the air conditioner;  again I hear the click as the HVAC unit turns on, I feel the cool air circulating in my home, but I don't see anything. 
Now God's Presence doesn't click on and off, It doesn't come and go.  God's Presence is always with me, but sometimes I am more aware of It than others.
In times of trouble I seek His calming Presence.  I might read His word or listen to Christian music which soothes my soul.  In times of joy, I can feel Him with me and I might even talk to Him out loud and thank Him for his blessings.  I also have times of doubt, when I wonder if I am doing His will. At those times I will be still and feel His arms around me holding me and giving me strength.
We don't have to see God to know God.
When we read the Bible...He is talking to us.
We see Him in the beauty of the world; the sunrise, sunsets, ocean waves, bird song, colors of the seasons and majestic landscapes He has prepared for us.
He communicates to us through other people, friends, family, pastors at our church, even things we see and hear on the internet.
The key to feeling God's Presence and knowing He is with us is to just be still. We need to quiet our minds and tune in to what He has to say.  Make time each day to spend with Him.  He will not disappoint, He is always there waiting.

Psalm 89:15 - 16
How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
         O LORD, they walk in the light of Your countenance.

16In Your name they rejoice all the day,
         And by Your righteousness they are exalted.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Honest Jealousy

It’s so disheartening when the people who should be cheering for  you the loudest, remain silent. 
These are days where we need all the strength and courage we can get to run our race and finish our course. We have no time to waste or emotional bandwidth to spare, trying to convince those who should be for us to act as if they are. 
Don’t try and carry those who want to pull you down. 
Don’t waste time trying to convince others of your worth and value. 
Don’t expend valuable energy minimizing you so that others feel more comfortable around you. 
A smaller you does not make a bigger them. 
Don’t try to hang on to those who have let go of you. 
Don’t be controlled by those who won’t allow you to thrive and flourish. 
Make sure those closes to you are for you, talk to you not about you, are not jealous of you, not threatened by you, not intimidated by you, not wanting to leverage you, and don’t want to be you. You need them to be them and to bring out the best in you. 
Those closest to you are the ones that truly have the capacity to hurt or heal. Choose your circle wisely. (Thanks for posting this  image/wisdom @fwhatle)
As I read this quote from Christine Caine I think about my circle, my tribe, my posse, my clan.  Do we applaud when good things happen?  Do we brag about our friends accomplishments?  Are we encouraging, uplifting, positive?  I think not.  At least not all the time. There is envy and jealousy among the people in my circle.  I'm sad to say I am at fault.  I wish I was not this way.  I have prayed to my Father in Heaven to help me with this.  I love my peeps but yes I am jealous:  jealous of Karen' grandkids, jealous that Linda doesn't have to work, jealous of the skinny young girls at the YMCA, jealous of the people of TV that have homes at the beach.  But there is one thing that I am proud of...I am honest with my jealousy.  Karen knows that I wish I had grandkids, she is praying for me.  Linda is ok with my envy that she is retired, knowing that soon I can retire as well.  I don't think the skinny girls care about my extra pounds and the lucky folks at the beach are clueless.  They get up in the morning with no thought of what other people think about them, least of all me.  I'm not going to get a new circle, but I will try to be more good,  kind, and gentle with my group of friends.  I will keep praying for more compassion and less envy.  I know that I am not perfect, but I can try to be a little better each day.                          Galatians 5:22 - 23  The fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL.