Saturday, March 17, 2018

A friend asked me to paint a set of wine glasses with a cardinal in a birch tree for her.  She says cardinals remind her of her mother who passed away. 
That got me thinking about why a cardinal would be associated with the death of a loved one.  So I did a little research:
    The cardinal's color, red is symbolic of vitality, importance, faith and power.
    The cardinal's sound is a symbol of cheer, clarity and elevation.  It's call sounds like the           words,"cheer, cheer." 
    Cardinal health means strength, readiness, and vitality.  They are known to be feisty and protective.
    Cardinal's  parenting skills are nurturing, and caring.  The male shares the duties of the family.
I hope she enjoys these glasses as she sets her table for the holiday and remembers her mother and all the good times they had together.

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