Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Gluten - Free, Sugar - Free, Dairy - Free, Caffine - Free

I have been diagnosed with Eczema.  The doctor says it was caused by too much acid in my body.  So I am on a gluten , sugar, dairy, and caffeine free diet.  Believe me that's a tough diet to maintain.  I have been researching recipes to make and foods that I can eat.  Almonds have become my candy.  Salad is my new staple food. 
Let me explain how this all started:
I have been contemplating starting up a cheesecake business, renting a building, making a website so I can sell and ship my cheesecakes all over the country.  So I prayed to God, "help me to know if this business is from You, if it is not, take it away from me ."  The next week I developed eczema on my hands, yes on my hands!  The one place a baker cannot have eczema.  Well I got my answer, loud and clear.
So, I went to the dermatologist.  He did a biopsy and said it was eczema.  He then wanted to put me on steroids.  I told him I can't sleep on steroids.  He said take a Benadryl.  I wanted to explore a more natural way of healing so through God's help and my cousin's husband Joe, I found a doctor who believes the same way I do.  He gave me a diet to follow and drops and cream to use.  It's been 2 months and I am getting better.  I know that I will be healed, not necessarily in my time but in God's time.
So I will be posting recipes I find, not only for myself, but for anyone going through this condition.  I say "through" because we will conquer this and find relief with God's help.

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