Friday, December 28, 2012

Another Christmas has come and gone....but this year was different.  No stress, no drama, just enjoying the company of family and friends and celebrating the real reason for Christmas.   Jesus!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Update on my knee

Here is the latest update on my knee. Yesterday I got a shot of cortizone in my right knee.  Today I walked down the basement steps better than I have in weeks.  Maybe this will work, I said maybe.
My shoulder felt good today too.   I was able to do my Pilates shoulder stretch better than I have in months.  Thank you Andrew for hurting me.  I think!  Don't worry Andrew is my PT.

Loving God - "Clarification about My New Boyfriend"

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23:6 NLT

"This verse, if you go to other translations basically stays the same. You don't need to redefine that Gods' love pursues us. We just need to understand that He does what He says. He will and has never forsaken us.

What part of Holy do we understand?
What part of He has a plan for us, what part of He died for us, what part of He has made a way of escape, what part of to live is Christ to die is gain?

Today know that God is pursuing you. Today God is trying to rescue you, renew you, restore you in every aspect of your life. Be still and know that He is God. Revelation is not about translation, it is about transformation!

Let your life be a new translation, communicate Christ in your life. God grants life!" - Stuart Adams
This is what I'm talking about....God loves us sooooo much.  He is pursuing me and you!  Let yourself get "caught" in his love!

Monday, July 2, 2012

My new boyfriend

MY, my, my...I have a new boyfriend.  His name is Jesus, and I want to spend all my time with him.  I want to know everything about him.  I want to be near him everyday.  Isn't that how it feels when you first fall in love?  It's amazing!  I don't think my husband is comfortable with this new fascination of mine.  But I hope he will soon feel the same way too.  I have a new church too; .www,  It is also amzing!  I feel so much love in there.  The people  (my people)  are welcoming and full of God's love.  I never knew church could be addictive.  I want to go all the time.  I don't mind spending 2 hours in church on a beautiful sunday morning.  It's a great way to start the day, week.  Maybe I will start a daily blog about the changes in me since I fell in love with Jesus.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Well I've been teaching Yoga class for a month now.  Actually I'm starting to enjoy it.  I still teach it as an exercise not for relaxation.  I'll keep you posted.