Thursday, April 29, 2021




As Americans we have freedom.  Freedom to speak our thoughts.  Freedom to carry a gun.  Freedom to worship where we want and how we want.  Freedom to choose how we live our lives.  But with that freedom comes laws, rules, responsibilities, and boundaries. 

Right now we have the opportunity to be vaccinated against the COVID virus.  Some Americans choose not to.  It’s their right.  We have the freedom to choose. 

Just as we have the freedom to worship God as a Catholic, Baptist, or not at all.  Or we have the freedom to take our guns and shoot deer, turkey, or bunnies.  That is what America is all about.  That is why our ancestors left their homelands.  America is the land of the free! 

Everyday we get to choose.  Some choices are easy; fried or scrambled, coffee or tea, red shoes or pink, (depending on what I’m wearing that day or the color of my hair.)  But others are difficult and need more thought and information to make a good decision.

The Bible tells us to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1.)  If we are to be like God we need to learn to love better.  Remember, God is love.  And  God’s love gives us freedom.  So as we use our freedom of speech, be kind.  As we use our freedom to worship, be kind.  As we use our freedom to carry, be kind and please eat or donate your kill.   And as we use our freedom to live our lives as we choose within the boundaries of the law, (traffic, taxes, work, etc…) be kind. 

If you know somebody that is not planning to get the COVID vaccination, be kind. 

Yes, I have been vaccinated, but not without many prayers, discussions, and research.  I work in a building where I come in contact with many older citizens.  My decision was based on, "the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few or the one."  That is a quote from a Star Trek movie, but it is  very fitting for this story.  

We need to be tolerant. "Tolerance is giving people permission to be different", writes Dr. Cindy Trimm in her book The 40 Day Soul Fast.  Let's make a be kind to me and I'll be kind to you.  Maybe we can start a movement!  The "Be Kind"  movement.  We'll get T Shirts, and travel mugs and even fanny packs.  I can just see it...people all over the world wearing matching T shirts and fanny packs to National Parks and Six Flags!  People smiling and helping one another.  No homeless veterans because someone was kind enough to build them a place to live and give them a job to do.  

Ooooops sorry, I put on my rose-colored glasses for a second there.  Anyway, what I'm trying to convey is that we need to stop the hate (dislike intensely)  and learn to love, be kind, and be tolerant.  Who's with me?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Baby Brooks


Hebrews 11:1
Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

On December 18th, Justine and Anthony traveled to CA and had an embryo transfer.  This means they put a baby in her uterus.  Now we wait to see if her body will accept or reject this tiny living being. 

Psalm 143:8

Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You.  Show me the way I should go for to You I lift up my soul.

 December 30th, Justine and Anthony have a baby due on September 3rd.  Yes, I know that is a long way off and alot can go wrong. Let the shopping begin.   

                                                                     Deuteronomy 7:9

Know therefor that the Lord your God is God.  He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.

January 20, 2021...we have a heart beat!  Let's plan the Baby Shower!

February 19th.  Justine called with the heart breaking news...Baby Brooks didn't survived.  The doctor couldn't find a heart beat.  Justine will have to have a D&C if she doesn't miscarry naturally. I am so sad, but mostly for them.  They have tried so many things for so many years. I would like to comfort her with words of God's Plan and how God will make a way and God's timing, but she doesn't want to hear any of that.  She is angry!  I understand.  I'm a little angry too.  But I know that God does have a plan and it will happen in God's timing.

                                                                        Proverbs 16:9

                            We plan the way we want to live but only God makes us able to live it.

April 15th, Justine and Anthony are in Mexico.  They took a mini-vacation to rest and heal.  They will try again even though they are scared and unsure of what tomorrow may hold.  I will be praying that all will go well and God will answer their prayers for a healthy baby girl in the near future.

So what is with the tattoo in the beginning of this post?  I got it as a remembrance of Brooks, my granddaughter.  I believe that life begins at conception, even though she was only 7 weeks in Justine's body.  She was a baby to me.  The cross is for my Faith.  The heart is for my Love.  And the anchor is for my Hope!  

                                                                    Hebrews 6:19

                                And we have this hope as an anchor firm and secure.