Enough Waiting!
Are you still waiting?
Waiting to see your children.
Waiting to go back to work.
Waiting to eat at a restaurant.
Waiting to cheer at a sporting event.
Waiting to watch a live concert.
Waiting for the grandkids to go back to school (Who made up this new
math anyway?) Waiting to go to
church. Waiting to not have to wear this
darn mask! Waiting for test results. Waiting for the snow to melt. Waiting for pigs to fly…Haha, just checking
to see if you were paying attention.
Is all this waiting good for us? There has to be a lesson in all this
waiting. Have we learned to be more
patient? Have we learned to enjoy the
small things like rides in the country and phone calls to loved ones? Have we learned to slow down and not
multitask? According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta
in his book, “Keep Sharp, Build a Better Brain at Any Age”, multitasking is not
a good thing.
Enough waiting! While
we wait the coffee gets cold, the bread get stale. While we wait the clothes don’t fit but the
sale is over. While we wait the kids
move away or our health deteriorates.
Lamentations 3:22 – 23 says that every morning we have new blessings,
new opportunities.
Are we making the most of our opportunities at home? Has anyone picked up a scarf they began years
ago and finished knitting it? Have you
sat down and wrote out cards to your family and friends, telling them how much
you miss them? Has anyone built a wall
or refinished a piece of furniture? Have
you gone through your closet and donated all those shoes you will never wear
again? Have you learned to make
sourdough bread?
Soon all this will be a memory (I hope and pray) and we will
be done waiting. Let’s not wait until
it’s too late. We could lose the best
moments, the special experiences, times that we will never have again if we
wait too long. The moment is now…Today is the day!