Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What to say???

As I read throught the posts on my blog I am amazed that I wrote some of them.  I never considered myself a writer but they are good.  Really good. 
There is a new Toby Mac song. "Beyond Me,"  that I can now relate to. Many verses come to mind:

And in Him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.
Ephesians 2:22
For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.
1 Timothy 1:7
He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
Ephesians 3:20
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

God, do you have plans for me as a writer? 
Can you use me in this way?
Will you open a door for me?
Or am I just dreaming?
I want to to Your will.  I want to go where You lead. 
I have Your Spirit in me.  Show me!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

God always answers our prayer

God always answers our prayers.  Sometimes He says "yes," sometimes He says "no," and sometimes, actually most times He says "wait or not yet."

This week I experienced God saying, "yes."
I help with a group called Christian Leaders Mentoring CLM occasionally.  This friday I was needed to fill in at the shelter in Greensburg.  We prepare a short bible lesson and bring a snack to share in the kitchen with any resident there.  This week there was just one woman in the kitchen.  Actually she was waiting for us.  After putting out our snack and introducing ourselves, we began.   She had been at the shelter for 1 week.  She and her husband had been evicted from their apartment through no fault of their own.  Her husband wasn't allowed to stay at the shelter because they had no children, so he was sleeping outside on the streets.  (It is January in Pennsylvania.) 
We shared with her the story of the Isrealites going into the land of milk and honey to spy on the people there.  (Numbers 13-14)  They came back to Moses with stories of abundance.  But also stories of fear of the giants who lived there.  Now Caleb was one of the spies and he had faith that the armies of Isreal could conquer the land.  The lesson was that when things look impossible, God will make it possible for those who are faithful. 
As we were discussing this, her husband shows up.  Her face lights up and she bustles around the kitchen getting him something to eat.  His hands are red, his coat is thin and his demeanor is lost.  We talk to him about their options.  It seems like a hopeless situation, but...  We look at each other and say we will make a phone call to the leader of our group.  Maybe she can help.  While waiting for a reply to our call we join together in prayer.  The phone rings and the news is shared that He will be able to stay in a hotel for 3 nights and there will be a warm winter coat delivered to him later today.
After hearing this news, our girl is giggling with hope and excitement.  We give them both bibles and encourage them to thank and praise God for all He has done. 
I am also encouraged by God's quick answer to our prayer.
I have had several chances to testify to the goodness and faithfulness of God through sharing this story.  I hope you are encouraged and filled with the peace of our prayer-answering God.

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 in my rearview mirror

I keep a daily "Good Things" journal.  So I'm looking back at 2014 to see what God has done, where He has led me , and how I have grown:

January - looks like I was busy with church (WellSpring)
February - Teen and Anthony were home for a visit.  Lots of snow!  Jess and Keith are settled in their house.  Talking with Bill on the phone.
March - Bus trip to Lancaster, lots of events at church along with Lenten Lunches.
April - "Cheesecake Anyone?" vendor show, Seder Meal, Easter, and Juli's track meets.
May - Dorothy moved into her apartment.  Alyssa'a Baby Shower.  "You'll Get Through This"  bible study just when I needed it!  We visited Holly in Ohio.  Bill and I are opening up and being honest with each other. 
June - Days full of sunshine and love.  Bathroom remodel started.
July - Katie's Briday shower, Camping with family, vacation at King's Dominion and VA Beach.  Praying with my family.  Watching their relationship with God grow.  Rainy Relay for Life.  Prayed about my cheesecake business and now have excema on my hands.
August - It's all about my hands, gluten, sugar, acid, dairy - free diet.  Trying not to have to take steriods.    I am 56 years old!  Camping, zip lining, and paddle boarding.  Not bad for an old lady.  Teen and Anthony are home for James's wedding. 
September - Getting involved in my new church (Christ United Methodist Church)  Spending time with my family.  Bill is back out on the road.  Lost a good friend (Debbie King)  Bus trip to Flight 93 and Quecreek Mine
October - Thanking God for my family!  Jessica is 32, Bill and I celebrate 34 years and Jess and Keith get married!  Learning and growing my faith through "The Story" and "Not a Fan" bible studies.  Started a women's group, "Circle of Friends."  Also walking and talking with Ruth and Elaine.
November - Working out with Bill, getting stronger and closer.  My hands are on the mend, if I control my diet.  Helping at the shelter in Greensburg makes me soooo thankful for God's blessings on my life.
December - We visited the kids in Denver.  Had a great time with them.  Bill was off all month.  He is a wonderful husband and father.  We spoiled our kids for Christmas. 

God has blessed my days and I want to share His goodness with everyone around me.  But I have discoved that some people don't want to hear what I want to say.  So I am praying that in the new year, ears will be opened to all that God wants to say through me.  I pray that He will lead me to those who are ready to hear and keep me silent for those not yet prepared to know his truths.

And be sure of this;  I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20